Professional in home pet/house sitting VS Boarding Your Pets
While it might sometimes be cheaper to board your pet at a facility, your animals would benefit so much more from having an experienced pet sitter care for them in the comfort of their own home environment.
If your pets are able to stay in their home with no troubles on their own, an expert in-home sitter might be your smartest option for pet care.
The Pros of In-Home Pet Care
Maintaining a consistent exercise and feeding routine.
Personal, expert attention to your pet’s needs.
Your pets get to stay together in a stress-free environment.
Safety, comfort, and consistency of a familiar environment.
No risky transportation needed.
Photos and video of your pets provided at no extra charge.
Mail/newspaper pick-up and front of house maintenance helps with home security.
Consistent supervision and monitoring of your home and pets on holidays and weekends.
No extra charge to feed special diets or provide basic medical care.
Home temperature and comfort monitored regularly​.
The Cons of Kennels or Vet Boarding
Pets exposed to external parasites, such as fleas, ticks, lice, and mange (mites)
Pets exposed to communicable diseases such as leptospirosis, kennel cough and others.
Minimal care and supervision on weekends and holidays.
New smells, loud unfamiliar noises, dogs barking all can result in a frightening and stressful environment.
Potential for accidents, and injuries possibly resulting in death, during transportation
Photos and videos often cost extra
Basic brushing and grooming costs extra.
Preparing special diets or giving medications can cost extra.
The risk of injury due to stress or because the staff member isn't savvy when it comes to reading the dogs body language, etc.
Even Hiring Friends and Neighbors Can be a Bad Idea
Having a neighbor or friend watch your house and pets might seem like a convenience, but putting inexperienced and uninsured/bonded people in charge of your home and animals can be worse than you might think.
Typically, your friends do not carry any kind of liability insurance and most people aren’t skilled in dealing with pet or home-related emergencies or in providing reliable medical care for special needs pets.